There are not enough days in the week, hours in the day. Much of my time this year has been taken up with the writing and editing of my novel.
Category Archives: Novel
How to Write a Synopsis
At some point while writing your novel, you will need to write a synopsis. These can be difficult to write, but by following a few simple steps, you can ensure you get it right first time.
Pre-Christmas Priorities
We are on the fast track to Christmas now and the lead up to the festive season is busy to say the least. If, like me, you are adding a holiday to your Christmas celebrations, then you will really start to be pressed right around now. Right then, time to get your priorities in order!
With just over a month left of the year, I am making a mad dash to finish my novel. Here’s where I’m at and what I’m up to.
6 First Draft Revision Steps
After you have completed the first draft of your novel, it is time to begin revising and rewriting. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? But what does this actually mean, what steps do you need to take?
What Are Plot, Subplot & Backstory?
It’s time to get clear about plot, subplot and backstory. I’ve just picked up the first draft of the novel I’ve been writing this year with the hope of starting to revise. I’m going to focus on three areas: plot, subplot, backstory. But first I need to work out what these elements are. And tackle the question: What is the difference between plot, subplot and backstory?
Working the Manuscript
You’ve written your first draft, you’ve let it sit in a drawer for a month, now it’s time to look at it again with fresh eyes. But how exactly do you take this very rough first draft and turn it into something remotely publishable?
Blog Your Book
Authors write books for a multitude of reasons, but why would anyone blog a book?
Turn your manuscript into a novel
If, like me, you have just finished writing your first draft – congratulations! Ride that high for a while before considering the next step: revision and rewriting.
Going Sugar-free
I’m taking a firm stand against sugar…this is NOT an easy decision for me, I mean, sugar and I have had a strong relationship since I was a little girl. It’s not cakes and sweets I like so much as chocolate. And while I revel in the taste and sugary high I get from eating it, my desire is now in direct conflict with my slowly burgeoning waistline and long-term health and well-being.