World Poetry Day

Today is World Poetry Day and I’ve been reflecting on poetry in my life in varying shapes and forms.


Lord_ByronApparently Lord Byron is in my family tree somewhere – my dad told me about it ages ago, but I don’t remember quite how he fits in. I like to think that gives me some special kind of writerly super-power, but in all honesty, even though I love reading poetry, my attempts at writing it (no matter how much I enjoy the act) are rudimentary at best:

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Getting writing help

As you know from my previous post, I intend to write a novel this year. I wonder who of you has the same desire. Feel free join me in this experiment and give your own novel a try.
I have bought Louise Doughty’s A Novel in a Year and plan to work through this week by week. While I will not post the content of her book (for obvious copyright reasons) I will post my writing in response to working through her weekly suggestions. Her book is aimed at helping you get ideas and draft material for a novel. Why did I choose this particular book over other equally helpful writing guides? I guess this one spoke to me, to my style of and ideas about writing, plus I like the idea of working through week-by-week tasks – it breaks down the idea of writing a novel into achievable steps, and I have a strong feeling that this will be both useful and exactly what I need.
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