Writers love to…well, write, so it’s not surprising that author blogs are some of the best. Why? Simple: writers know how to create engaging content. Here are ten great author blogs which are regularly updated and full of great content.
- Neil Gaiman is an author of all kinds of wonderful things: graphic novels, short fiction, comics, novels, films…and then some.
- Ursula K Le Guin, author extraordinaire! She may not be a prolific blogger, but her content is marvellous.
- John Green is the creator of the amazing book ‘The Fault in our Stars’ – put it to the top of your MUST READ list, if you haven’t already.
- Kami Garcia is an author, artist and teacher. She is probably best known for ‘Beautiful Creatures’.
- Scott Westerfeld is a fabulous science fiction author. His Leviathan trilogy was a masterful steampunk series.
- Ann Friedman is a journalist who writes about politics, culture, and gender. She writes a though provoking blog.
- Wil Wheaton is an actor and writer. You may be more familiar with his acting, but he is also an awesome blogger.
- Debbie Ridpath Ohi is an author/illustrator. She has two sites worth looking at: her blog and her InkyGirl illustrations.
- Seth Godin is an author and entrepreneur. His blog is a goldmine of marketing information and definitely worth a look.
- Carolyn Jewel is the author of historical and paranormal romance. Her blog is interesting and entertaining, but she also offers writerly advice.
Which author blogs are you reading?
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