We all know life has its own rhythm of ups and downs. We can all get so caught up in our day to day that we lose our focus. Sometimes you need to take time out in order to regain your focus.
These last two months have been no different for me. August I hardly journaled at all – I was busy, really busy, and I just didn’t find the time to write more than a handful of entries and these were very short, no more than a sentence or two. Plus, I got a cold. I rarely get sick, but there I was feeling miserable and sorry for myself and having to push through it to get my work done. Then, added to all this, the new glasses I ordered gave me migraine headaches and I had to get, yet another, new prescription.
The last time I blogged was in July and then I felt on fire and motivated and like I was riding a wave of happiness…but that’s just how life is right? So then I get back to basics, I focused on gratitude. I usually list five things each day that I am grateful for, but this last month I also then distilled this down into one sentence. This brought me such a sense of peace and grounding. I became more aware of myself and things that were happening to me:
• I was eating poorly.
• I was having extremely lucid dreams.
• I was not exercising or doing yoga at all regularly.
• I was often grouchy.
So I tried bringing a conscious awareness of three key ways I wanted to feel:
1. Balanced
2. Organised
3. Calm
I listed the things I had done each day that contributed to me feeling these ways and saw that actually I was able to invite these feelings into my life in very tangible ways, but most notably I put greater boundaries between my in-work and out-of-work time (which is vital for a freelancer). When I am busy, and because I love what I do, there can be a tendency to work too much, to work for too many hours in a day or too many days in a week, often without even one full day off. It was good to had a bit of a review of these things and get it all into a better perspective.
Moving forward, my focus of feelings for the coming month is five-fold:
• Comfort
• Ease
• Deep peace
• Vibrant
• Energetic
Being organised in my work is key to this, but so is exercise, yoga and journaling. Added to this I am setting myself a challenge to get back to being sugar free and to try meditation.
How do you regain your focus?